Contact Information


Do you have questions? Want to find out how to purchase bulk orders or get information on discounts?

Email me (Catherine Stewart) at

I’ll do my best to get back to you within a day.

Would you like me to come speak to your youth group, school, mothers’ club, or other venue?

I turn scheduling of speaking arrangements and the like over to my mom (who is awesome, by the way) because of my busy schedule – and the fact that she keeps track of everything we have going on so we don’t end up with conflicting plans.

Email her at:

Or you can email me directly:

You can also comment here with any questions or such, I’ll do my best to get you a reply within a day or two.

Thanks! I love hearing any sort of responses from people about my book or my posts. So shoot me an email or leave me a comment – it’ll make my day.

One thought on “Contact Information

  1. Pingback: Lent, Aladdin, and Chocolate! Oh my! | Heroic Catholic

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